Mike and Moses jump into the Hot Tub to tell the Legend of Tejas. It starts with a Coffee business that spans generations, that decides to branch out to distilling. That then parlays into acquiring a beloved West Texas brand ...
Bobby and Dave from Gristworkz drop in to talk about everything that is going on. We go over their journey, what Gristworkz is, and what is wil become. Grt your toes wet, then get your ass to Gristworkz !!
Chris and Tony return to the Hot Tub!! After a couple of years and a few life changes the Brewers behind some of Running Walker's greatest hits sit down with the Hot Tub Crew. We get to the bottom of 3 bottles starting with...
Tim and Jake heat up.the inflatable hotbtub for the 1st time and getbtonthe bottom of a bottle of Black Tuesday from The Bewery. We tap in on our favorites from the previous year and what's in the future for HotTubBeer!!
Godmother of Houston Craft Beer, Mary Thorn, sits down to get to the bottom of the bottle of a Hoppin' Frog D.O.R.I.S. listen in as the beer an the conversation warm, changing flavors and perspectives over an attic conditione...
We deviated from our normal path to bring a bit more spice to the show!! Lauren Hernandez of Hardcore Hotsauce gets in the NEW hot tub to put hid hot sauce on dino nuggets then see which IPAs can cool us off the fastest!! We ...
8 months ago, James Carlyle sat down with is to document the fall of a titan in the Houston beer scene. Now 8 months removed, James is playing a pivotal role I. the resurrection of City Acre Brewing. Listen in to learn how th...
Almost a year after our 1st episode together, Sam Wright jumps in the Hot Tub to talk the Evolution of North Shepard Brewing. Listen in as we start were we left off right after Sam acquired Astral, then made it is own complet...
Start on level one with our guide Travis as we come together As One and level up to more tropical levels until we reach the Final Boss. Travel with Travis as he follows his passion for service to Country, Community, & Beer!🍻
This is another bottom of the bottle episode featuring a bottle of Brash Smog Lifter, that was contract brewed in Ipswitch , Massachusetts. Listen in as there are an amazing cast of characters weighing in on the beer and the ...
Jeff Handojo of 11 Below Brewing and Jake share beer from their recent road trip to Mississippi and Alabama. Tune in as we spend some time with Key City and Yellow Hammer Brewing to sample some of the best the deep south has ...
Adam from the Elusive Equal Parts crew, takes the plunge. Listen in as things get off the rails on a crazy train where Sally just wants to make ends meet, but ends up getting buried in space!
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Jake and Tim sit down with Brewery Consultant and over all Beer Genius Mufasa. Listen in for amazing adventures from a beginning as a computer engineer to brewing apprentice to bremaster and now consultant. Bonus guest Vince ...
Karen of Eureka Heights sat down with Tim for a podcast experiment. For the 1st bottom of the bottle conversation we chose a Morpheus, a Barrel aged stout from Dos Sirenos Brewing in San Antonio Texas
Grab a bottle, listen i...
One of the owners of For The Culture brewing stopped by Brash to talk beer, Culture and beer Culture. Jump in with us as we talk it up about one of Houston's newest spots!!
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Get your feet wet with a great line up of beer and even better people as we set up at the Star Sailor St. Paddy's day brew fest. Several folks drop by to talk beer, fitness, life and get judgemental!!
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Tom of all trade Paynter takes some time to hang out with the Hot Tub Crew to tell stories, share wisdom, and rate beer! Listen in as we talk all things No Label, Drink of Ages and plumber's parties!!
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James Carlyle of Ingenious fame took the trip to Brash and hung out with the Hot Tub crew at another Sunday Metal Funday!! Listen in as we rate Ingenious beers, get to know James, and look into the Future!!
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Sarah who by the time this publishes will have 2 whole days in the Sait Arnold lab takes the time to inspect the Hot Tub. From an humble start as a prospective counter bio terrorist to the premiere lab tech ( Hot Tub Certifie...
The Texas Beer Realtor, Hugh Hait opens up his hot tub and his Non-alcoholic collection to the Hot Tub Beer rating scale. Jake, Tim, and Hugh check their humility at the door as they give the Dry January recommendations!!
7 beers enter 1 beer leaves!!! The Texas Beer Realtor, James of 11 below, Jake and Tim all take some time to celebrate national lage day all under the watchful eye of the blind finch!! Drop in for a listen, but don't leave to...
Tim, Seth From Copperhead and Robbie of Brash let the venom take hold, and enjoy the ride!!!!
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Sam Wright. Of Astral Brewing jumps in the tub to talk about his journey and how he landed at Astral!
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Saint Arnold's Brewmaster, Aaron Inkrott, and The Houton Tortilla Czar, Danny Trujillo, of La Ranchera jump in the Hot Tub for some Sunday conversation over beer and tortillas, all made Houston!! Open a St. Arnold beer, make ...