
Jan. 19, 2021

Ep 107 Be Scarlet Witched

On this episode we talk about the new wandavision series on Disney+. Cobra Kai is another big topic this episode. Ramy closes us out with the top 3.   Cheers!!!
Jan. 13, 2021

Modern Day Da Vinci

Look Back at Ironman
Jan. 5, 2021

Flerkin Off

Look-back Captain Marvel
Dec. 31, 2020

Ep 106 Battlecat Position

Last episode of the year!   Cheers!!!
Dec. 21, 2020

World Police Cap

Look back: Captain America
Dec. 14, 2020

Ep 105 Sinister Six

This is a special episode due to the announcements from Disney. We haven't had this kind of new all year long. We are joined by two guests to get a broader perspective. We have returning guest and fan favorite Aaron and new guest Scott. Hope ya'll...
Dec. 8, 2020

Ep 104 Corn in a Bowl

The usual stuff. If you actually read this let us know on our Facebook page
Nov. 17, 2020

Ep 103 Star Console Wars

We are back once again for your listening pleasure. As always we are starting with what we are drinking. Listener questions are up next and leads to some good discussions. Ramy and Bernie give their thought on the new Xbox and Playstation consoles....
Oct. 27, 2020

Ep 102 Mandoween

We are back with a Halloween Special including a new royal rumble draft.  Bernie is back from vacation and joins the main 3. As always we start with what we are drinking. Madolrian excitement is up. spoiler we are ready for it. The boys finally...
Oct. 6, 2020

Ep 101 The Boys are Back

The original 3 return for episode 101. AS always what we are drinking is upon first. Followed by some  The Boys talk spoiler alert! We talk a little Madolorian. More Playstation stumbles as we get closed to the PS5 launch. Was Mulan a success? We...
Sept. 21, 2020

Ep 100 Pt 2

We pick up where we left off in part 1. The episode features Ryan, Aaron, Jamers and Kevin. We talk movies, video games,TV and specifically The Boys.   Cheers!!
Sept. 16, 2020

Ep 100 Part 1

We made it folks to ep 100. We decided to have on past guest for different segments since we are all still social distancing due to covid-19. Because of all the guests we decided to split it into 2 parts. Part 1 consists of our friends Sully from the...
Aug. 21, 2020

Ep 99 Avengers Bummer

We are back with our social distancing episode. What we are drinking to start the show and Adam has something different. Listeners sent some questions that we answer. Most of us tried the  Avengers video game beta and we give our thoughts. This...
Aug. 3, 2020

Ep 98 Hotdog Draft

A special birthday edition of the podcast! It's Ramy's birthday so what better than a podcast? some new beers and non beers in what we are drinking. after that wee talked about stuff. but we finished with what you are all waiting for, the male Disney...
July 22, 2020

Ep 97 The Dork Guard

What's up everybody? We are back with a different 3 this episode. Bernie takes over hosting duties and our good friend, from The , Clint joins us. We get to know a little about Clint and his nerdum and his podcast. As always we start with what we are...
June 26, 2020

Ep96 The Princess Draft

Hey everybody, hope you are doing well. we are back with a new episode with a couple new segments. First we start with what we are drinking. We are sure by now you may be able to guess what Adam is drinking! We answer a few listener questions which...
June 2, 2020

Ep 95 Dark Side of the Moon Knight

The core 4 are back! What we are drinking starts us off along with listener questions. We get into a little HBO Max talk and our thoughts on what they will have going forward. Are the straight to video movies still successful. We talk our quarantine...
May 13, 2020

ep 94 O Beer Wan Kenobi

This episode Bernie joins us again as well as returning guest Aaron. As always we start with what we are drinking. Listener questions are next up. We start a new quarentine segment an what we are watching. There has been a lot of Star Wars news...
April 11, 2020

Ep93 Jumping the Tiger Shark

We are joined by Bernie and Kevin again this week. What we are drinking starts us off this week leads to a little beer shelf life talk. Listener question from Instagram lead to some good discussions. We give our thoughts on what the future of movie...
March 28, 2020

ep 92 CoVideo Gaming

We are here for you listening pleasure during this time of quarantine. We brought in a couple of past guests to help is this episode.  As always we start off with what we are drinking. What we have been doing while being on this lockdown. Ramy is...
March 12, 2020

ep 91 Crying Out Loud

This ep we only have Ramy and Dwayne on. Guinness is the beer this week as they taste thru 4 different ones. Movie talk is up with some new trailers and some movies we have seen. Rise of Skywalker comes up again with the new novelization of the movie....
Feb. 11, 2020

Ep 90 Dead Birds of Prey

We made it to ep 90! Aaron is back as our resident wrestling expert since Ramy and Dwayne went to Royal Rumble with Bernie. What we are drinking to start as always. We get right into wrestling talk. We get into so movie talk as we get updates on the...
Jan. 28, 2020

EP 89 Blind Beer Test

This episode we have Bernie back for his annual guest appearance. He brought a great idea for what we are drinking. We do a blind taste test of 8 different light lager beers. Do we know our beers as well as we think we do. We talk about our favorite...
Jan. 7, 2020

Ep 88 Fermented Pickle Juice

Ramy is back this week. We remembered what we are drinking this week. Listener questions is next up. Of course we had to talk about the last episode of the first season of Mandaloian. We speculate what Disney will have in store with Disney+ and their...