Season 1

Jan. 27, 2023

Support Your Local Sheriff Vs. Support Your Local Gunfighter

We're going back to the wild, wild west. Me and Timothy Howard are talking about the James Garner (or James Gardner as I constantly say it) comedy/westerns Support Your Local Sheriff and Support Your Local Gunfighter. Both ...
Dec. 9, 2022

Jack Frost Vs. Jack Frost

Merry Christmas!!! I'm joined once again by Emmy Serviss and we talk about the Christmas Movies Jack Frost and Jack Frost!! One is a family comedy about a dad who becomes a lovable snowman, and one is a horror movie about...
Nov. 18, 2022

The Bob Newhart Vs. WKRP In Cincinnati Thanksgiving Episodes

Gobble Gobble everyone!!! I'm back with a Thanksgiving episode. I'm joined by my good friend Tim Howard and we go back to the 70s. We discuss two Thanksgiving episodes from two classic TV shows. Over The River And Throu...
Oct. 8, 2022

Three Amigos Vs. Coming To America

In this episode I am once again joined by Steph DeWaegeneer and we talk about the John Landis directed movies Three Amigos and Coming to America. We look at both of these 80s comedies, what we liked and not so liked in the m...
Aug. 6, 2022

Troll 2 vs Samurai Cop

Chase and Bryce are back!!! And we have two "classic" "movies" on this episode. Troll 2 and Samurai Cop. Both movies are known to be two of the worst movies ever made, so in this podcast we decide which is the best (wors...
July 8, 2022

Monkees Albums Headquarters and Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones LTD

Hey, Hey....we are back with another episode of Which Is More Gooder. I'm joined by my fellow Monkees addict Bradley Dean Whyte. In this episode we look at and compare the two Monkees albums at the pinnacle of they populari...
June 6, 2022

Atari 2600 Games Adventure Vs. Spider-Man

I'm going back to my childhood in the 80s and play the Atari 2600. I am playing the games Adventure and Spider-Man. I've got my console, my game cartridges and my joy stick and i am ready to go. Will it be a treat to go ...
May 4, 2022

Foul Play Vs. Seems Like Old Times

It's Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase time here on the podcast. I'm joined by Steph DeWaegeneer and we talk about these two 70s Rom/Coms. We go over each movie and see what we liked and didn't like and then we both give our fin...
March 30, 2022

Psych (Horror Episodes)

Welcome to my first podcast of Which Is More Gooder!!! This is where we take two projects connected somehow and compare them and decide which is more Gooder. In this first episode we look at two episodes from the TV show P...