June 11, 2020

I Am Inevitable: AVENGERS ENDGAME (MCU Phase 3, Pt 5)

I Am Inevitable: AVENGERS ENDGAME (MCU Phase 3, Pt 5)

We made it to the end, AVENGERS: ENDGAME that is! Our journey through the MCU has been long and exciting. Once again we are joined by The Movie Gap Expanded Universe and it all culminates with an epic REBOOT/RECAST!


A. P. Stark Profile Photo

A. P. Stark

Fan Favorite, Peen2Screen Enthusiast

Miguel Sanchez Profile Photo

Miguel Sanchez

Fan Favorite, Voice of Reason

Ed Ball Profile Photo

Ed Ball

Fan Favorite, Scorsesephile

Dwayne Lusby Profile Photo

Dwayne Lusby

Fan Favorite, Fedora Enthusiast

Co-host, producer and editor for 3 Beers and a Mic and Bernappetit podcasts and founder of Cross the Streams Media network