What is better than one Michael Keaton? If you said five, YIKES. I'd say probably cap it at about four then you should be good. OH SNAP THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS MOVIE IS!
The world weren't ready for this epic collab between Tom Cruise and Limp Bizkit!!!!! It is also not ready for this FAN-FAVORITE GUEST packed SIXTH ANNIVERSARY episode!!! Thank you all for being a part of our journey so far! E...
Gary plays a very Old Man in this movie based on Bram Stoker's Dracula and directed by director extraordianire FFC (Francis Ford Coppola, heard of 'em?).
Once again, Fan-Favorite guest (and host of 90 other Crossthestreamsmedia podcasts), Scott White, messed up the episode we actually recorded. That being said, it was really Chase's fault, which means it was actually Bryce who...
We discussed a newer film this week. Is it art, is it good, is it too much? Bryce refuses to understand Chase (again). Will they see eye-to-eye on this one though? Naminspace.
In a rare DOUBLE BLIND episode, Chase is the only one who had seen one of the most famous sports films of all time! Joined by wannabe cinephile and Fan-Favorite guest, Ed Ball, They guys discuss ROCKY! Naminspace.
Quite possibly the worst movie with the most impressive sets of all time. Joined by OG fan-favorite guest, Scott White (@scottyblanco), we disscuss this massive flop! Naminspace.
Fan Favrotie and first ever and perpetual GAPPIES host AND Movie Gap artwork creator AP "SCREEN 2 PEEN" STARK joins us to discuss the Aronofsky classic The Fountain. What will be said??? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!
We boldly go where few have before: on a podcast with a different British person than Ed! This week, it's Galaxy Quest with our newest fan-favorite guest Martin of the Film vs. Film Podcast (@filmvsfilmpodcast)! Naminspace.