Please check out my first review. Read by the talented Jessica Carson. Check out her info below. ---
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In this episode I look at the sequel to Caddyshack, one of the funniest movies of all time. Does it come close to the original? Have a listen and find out.
Dan Aykroyd has always been outspoken on his belief in UFOs and the unknown. In this documentary we hear what Dan Aykroyd has to think on the subject and what we can do to make others believe. www...
I team up again with my good friend Steph DeWaegeneer to talk about the 1992 movie Chaplin starring Robert Downey Jr., Dan Aykroyd and a ton of other guest stars. Directed by Sir Richard Attenborough. We discuss our likes...
In this episode Dan Aykroyd makes a guest appearance of the Jim Belushi TV show According To Jim. He plays one of Jim's old friend who shows up again in his life. Two old pros having fun in this episode. Please have a l...
Second try on this is. Now we have audio that we can hear. Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase pick up where they left off in their movie Spies Like Us and visit the Family Guy. We also have a subplot of a improv team. Have a...
This was a impromptu podcast. I wanted to pay tribute to the late, great comic legend Buck Henry. I'm taking a look of a SNL episode from 1977. Please have a listen. Twitt...
In this episode I look at the John Hughes penned The Great Outdoors. Dan Aykroyd and John Candy go toe to toe in the wilderness while their families watch. Have a listen and let me know what you think. ...
Candice Bergen hosts and Frank Zappa is the musical guest on the last episode of 1976. See what sketches hold up and which ones don't. Dan Aykroyd is highly visible in this episode. Twittter: @Scottwhi...
In this episode I look at the first 4 issues of the Ghostbusters comic from 2011. How does it compare to the movies??? Have a listen and find out. Twitter: @Scottwhite91 Inst...
In this episode I look at the 1983 movie Trading Places starring Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy and Jamie Lee Curtis. See what happens when a rich man and a poor man have lives are messed with by two evil commodities brokers. ww...
In this episode I talk about the soundtrack to the classic movie. Jake and Elwood belt out the tunes on this album. How does it hold up? Is it a good companion to the movie? Check it out!! You can support me on my Patreon...
In this episode I look at the Twilight Zone movie. A four part anthology movie based on the TV series. Dan Aykroyd has a small part in this does he do? Have a listen and find out. www...
This is a very special episode. With the help of the Canadian Movie Crew, we all did a podcast of the Dan Aykroyd movie Earth Vs The Spider. It was really fun and that made me realize I had quite a few Dan Aykroyd projects ...
In the episode we look at the clip movie It came from Hollywood. This episode was made possible by Amanda Stephens. She gave to the podcast and i was able to purchase this VHS tape. In this movie we get movies made fun of...
Dan Aykroyd teams up with Gene Hackman in the 1990 Buddy cop/action/comedy where they have to find a Hitler porno????? What???? How does the movie come out? Have a listen and tell me what you think.
Dan Aykroyd joins an all star supporting cast backing up Robert Redford in this heist movie. Before there was Oceans 11 there was Sneakers. Actually, that's not true, Oceans 11 was a remake of a movie in the 50s. So, befo...
I look at the VHS tape put out in 1992 taking 3 episodes of the that season and condensing them. It's the last year Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi are with the cast. Dan is a real stand out on the tape.
In 2000 a Second City Coffee table book was put out. Included in the book were two CDs featuring bits from the Second City stage. In this podcast I review CD #1 featuring Dan Aykroyd, plus a who is who in comedy. Please e...
Hello all. We are doing something a little different on this podcast. We have a guest, Steph Dewaegeneer Collier. We just sit back and discuss this movie and tell what it means to us, Enjoy. (Oh in the podcast I said...
After it's first season Saturday Night Live became so popular, the producers of the show put out an album to capitalize on the success of the show. Does the album hold up? Have listen and find out. www.sco...
We look at the 1987 film Dragnet starring Dan Aykroyd and Tom Hanks. This podcast will have just the facts (and a few opinions). Twitter: @Scottwhite91 Instagram: the_dan_aykr...
This is a somber episode because we talk about the final 24 hours of John Belushi"s life. This show reenacts his last hours and we get to hear from Dan Aykroyd about his life with Belushi.
This is the first episode I do where Dan Aykroyd is a supporting player in a movie. How does the movie version of the TV show Sgt. Bilko hold up? Who did it better Phil Silvers, or Steve Martin? Have a listen and find...