It's 8pm, you're calling your mom to come pick you up from a sleepover because your friend's parents are making you go to sleep before the clock hits double-digits. On the ride home, your parents talk to you about drugs, alcohol, and tummy piercings... they've just seen the movie Thirteen. You don't listen, you shoplift this episode from the itunes store. If this scenario freaks you out, then watch out because Alan Johnson (@alanjohnson____) exposes us to some graphic content with the movie Thirteen this week. Then, thirteen year-old Evie Zamora (Stephanie Burchinow (@stephburch1)) comes over and makes everyone uncomfortable.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.