Rob Zombie (Ivan Ngo (@ngoivanngo)) invites the Brave Boys to his Summer Kickoff! His Dragula is for sale and the digits that make up the gate code can be input in any order, baby! There's too much going on to really describe it. It's a necessary click, though, because it does contain new Chucky lore. It's a big, big party with a hot and spicy guest list, including...
Pumpkinhead (Tyler Schnupp (@schnupp69))
Freddy Krueger (Erin Smith (@erinonainen))
Chucky (Mark Jacob Meza (@markbymarkjacob))
Hollywood Harry (Chris Howard (@chrishowabunga))
Rob Werewolf and Rob Vampire (Brent Flyberg (@brentflyberg_) and Travis Watt)
The Tooth Fairy (Anja Boltz (@anjaboltz))
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Sound effects used under CC0 1.0, and CC 4.0 by ondrosik.