Feb. 28, 2023

Ghostbusters II with Conner McCabe and Olivia Connolly

Ghostbusters II with Conner McCabe and Olivia Connolly
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Scary Movie Sleepover

Somehow, Bill Murray returned. Conner McCabe (@conner_mccabe) has us watch Ghostbusters II. A movie that not even EdTV (the original influencer) could stomach. It would have to be quite the stomach -- to drink all that pink goo! Keep your eyes peeled during this movie and you may even spot a cameo from the character Winston from the first movie! Oh also Dr. Janosz Poha (Olivia Connolly (@olivia.h.connolly)) stops by to tell us about selling the goo to teens at a high school.

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Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.