Jan. 4, 2023

Event Horizon with Dennis Curlett and Ann Maddox

Event Horizon with Dennis Curlett and Ann Maddox
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Scary Movie Sleepover

Bring out your Wife Guys because Dennis Curlett (@futuremedennisc) has us watch Paul W. S. Anderson's Event Horizon. Just kidding, Tanner's the only Wife Guy here... so why don't you pull your hand out of your mouth so you can click play on this episode. Also, Dr. Weirbeast (Ann Maddox (@mikiannmaddox)) shows up and parks the Event Horizon on my street and causes some traffic issues.


Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!

Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.