Nov. 23, 2022

Don’t Look Under the Bed with Nick Tiffany and Molly Kiernan

Don’t Look Under the Bed with Nick Tiffany and Molly Kiernan
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Scary Movie Sleepover

Alice doesn't live here anymore?! She never did! Her name is Zoe! The Brave Boys are taken by the hand and led to a world of a big sandwich and Boogie-Goo™ by our friend Nick Tiffany (@nicktiff). He is also brave now and no longer afraid of Don't Look Under the Bed. Which is good, because Zoe (Molly Kiernan (@mollybkiernan)) shows up to teach us all an important lesson about imaginary friends and what is considered "too early" for not believing in them. Then we all get a lesson from Matt on how Don't Look Under the Bed is a perfect movie, up there with other perfect movies like The Conjuring 2.


Follow Tanner on letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!

Our editor/producer is @erinkellysmith.