Season 4

Feb. 14, 2023

Bad Astronaut

The boys from Bad Astronaut get in the hot tub to discuss bad ass beer and and they legend of the Bad Astronaut!! Listen along as we get to know the Bad Astronaut boys and try some beer that is out of this 🌎!! --- Support ...
Jan. 10, 2023

Project Halo

Melissa and Steve of Project Halo brewing weather a rain storm to sit down with us and drink beer!! Topics include DB Cooper, one armed strippers, and lots of men in the rear!! All conversation field by badass Project Halo Be...
Dec. 6, 2022

Big badass beer with Boris

Friend of the show, and friend in our hearts Boris of No Label, jumps in the tub to drink some Big, badass, barrel aged beers. We wax poetic on the intricacies of high alcohol winter warmers and try to stay sober!! Jump in to...